Tour Diary. Grünau and Hamburg

We arrived at The Oberer Gasthof in Grünau, near to Chemnitz and we were greeted by the owners Thomas and Falko. We then proceeded to collectively shake the place on it’s foundations. Krulli from Exile got everyone to sign a discarded and unused China and donated it to the place. Many shots of vodka and rabarberscnapps followed with copious amounts of beer. After a somewhat chilly nights rest we wolfed down breakfast and we proceeded with a 5 hour drive to Hamburg.

As it stands now, we’re soon to arrive at Bambi Galore. Please check us out if you are in the area. If you don’t, you’re missing out, as many have told us when they kinda regretted not bringing their friends after being rocked by us.

So, see you in Hamburg! Bring your friends!



Posted by Andrath

Andrath is the stringed axe-murderer of the deadly trio.